Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Uncle Vinny's II

Last night marked the second convening of pizza night at Uncle Vinny's New York Pizza, and what a night it was. The company this week would, for sure, rank a 10. We had a group of around 15 people, almost doubling in size. We feel like pizza night #2 was a complete success. There were two very special things that I particularly enjoyed about Uncle Vinny's: 1.) I enjoyed watching the pizza chef twirl the pizza dough around his hand. He would throw the dough up in the air, and spin it around in order to make the crust. When people have these kinds of special abilities, I automatically respect them. I just don't possess these kind of abilities. 2.) I had the opportunity to enter a drawing for a.) a $500 gas card b.) a flat screen tv, or c.) a chance to win a membership to a gym. Not only did I get to eat some good pizza, and be entertained by the flying dough, but I have a chance of being a winner. I like this.

Back to business...THE PIZZA and our rankings. This week we added many more taste buds to our judging. We also implemented a new system. People were not allowed to see their fellow friend's votes, so they would not feel pressured to vote a certain way. We thought this was a wise decision. In case you forgot our scale, we will give you a reminder. We came up with three scales to rank our experience: our pizza (flavor, quality, deliciousness, texture, etc.), value (the price of the pizza along with the flavor), and overall atmosphere (how well did they decorate?). For the pizza scale, we decided a 1-10 (whole numbers only please) scale was in order, because this is obviously the most important quality. The atmosphere and value are set on a 1-5 scale, because it just makes things easier. The rankings for Uncle Vinny's were a bit lower than Mario's. Not significantly, but they were still lower. The overall quality of pizza ranked a 6.07, compared to last week's 6.625. The value of the pizza scored a 4.47, compared to last week's 4.875. Lastly, the atmosphere of Uncle Vinny's was a 2.73 compared to Mario's 2.75. That was a close one.

Mario's and Uncle Vinny's were very similar types of pizza...both New York Style. I would eat both again...I would even go so far to say that I would eat them both again regularly. They are both delicious pizza places, and both restaurants had very nice workers. They positively interacted with us, and we have yet to have a negative experience. And now for our pictures....

The glorious menu...check out the rockin prices.
Waiting in line...very excited for our new pizza experience.
Dustin happened to match the was very special.
Amy Ann and Emily are just so happy to be at Pizza Night.
Some of the boys...looking good Luke.
Betsy and her yummy pizza.
The classic pepperoni.
Cheese knots...we had some mixed reviews on them. I personally enjoyed them.
The Supreme.

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